

YearBook19.jpg    Soundtrack19.jpg

2019 Pages from a Year Book
Facebook post (photo album)

2019 A Sound Track from vivian Hutchinson
Facebook post and full track listing
Can we listen to the earth and our better selves, and rise to the challenge of the climate emergency? It really does change everything. This is not a time to get distracted by Presidents and Prime Ministers or whether Facebook is messing with our heads. If we listen, we can already hear the consequences. It's a sound like coyotes howling in the distance. I'm not in any hurry to trade my own spurs for wings, so I am going to take my time and rove and interfere and rebel against the extinction of our common sense. Yet death is hardly ever the final story. Even Leonard's friends have completed his songs ... and of course they remind us about what happens to the heart.

playlist available on YouTube (audio) at
or YouTube (video) at
or available at Spotify at


Community and Liberation (2019)
— some thoughts on the 30th Anniversary of Tū Tama Wahine o Taranaki
In the overall scheme of things, Tū Tama Wāhine o Taranaki is a small and modest agency. But its call and commitment to real development and genuine liberation is anything but modest.


Kuia Matarena
Aunty Marj (1913-2010)
Kuia Matarena advocated that, alongside the necessary acts of protest and resistance, we also need to create places that explore a different conversation between Māori and Pākehā, and one that reaches across racial, political and spiritual differences. Her view was that as we face our difficult histories together and address the ongoing questions of justice, we also need to lay a much deeper groundwork for the friendships that can lead to peace and reconciliation.


Remembering the New Zealand Wars and the work yet to be done
The Spinoff, 17th October 2019    PDF version    Spinoff Website
The national organisers say that Te Pūtake o Te Riri is a messenger whose task is “to awaken the memory and conscience of a sleeping nation”. This is an awakening that will also transform our collective identity – our fundamental sense of citizenship – as we start to come to terms with who we think we are, and who we want to be.


By Whose Authority (2019)
— some thoughts for the Citizenship Conversation
Our conversations on gifts, commitment, dissent, ownership, possibilities and invitation ... are all about stepping into a shared language of how to make things happen. We have to learn this language. Every generation has always had to learn this language.


Regenerating Citizenship and Community (2019)

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Invitation to 2019-2020 Open Masterclass / Community Conversations
at Tū Tama Wahine o Taranaki
Invitation to 2019-2020 Masterclass Skills Sharing Sessions
at Tū Tama Wahine o Taranaki


The Hutchinson Brothers, Taranaki, August 2019

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The Voting Crisis
Taranaki Daily News, Thursday 22nd August 2019  paper-clipping   Stuff website    CTAR Website  Feedback
Every Council and Government and elected Board should be doing so much more to promote the health of our democracy and invite people to step up to the most basic expression of their citizenship. But this is not just a problem for the public service and our elected officials, and they are never going to fix it alone. We need to re-awaken our own communities to the importance of these collective moments of choice.


Popcorn and the Treaty 2019
Community Kōrero at Tū Tama Wahine o Taranaki
a tasty way to honour Te Tiriti in 2019 ... with viewing of Parihaka - a Photographic Survey, and Hikoi - the Land March



2018 Pages from a Year Book
Facebook post (photo album)

2018 A Sound Track from vivian Hutchinson
Facebook post and full track listing
I’d better get my coat ... I feel the breath of a storm. I’m on the road again, but it is all in a writer’s mind. In reality, I live only five minutes away from Merrilands. Perhaps it is my imagination, but it feels like the year has been all Trump and Brexit, and we haven’t even started yet. They say we are all consumers now, but that also means we have decided that some things are scarce, and there is little need for a commons. In the end, should we be surprised if we are refugees in a Land of Gold? Bruce has reminded me of my own magic trick – a life in pursuit of that ever-elusive, never completely believable: Us. I have an appointment on Sunday afternoons because it is Live from Here. This is the other America that also has a tight connection to my heart.

playlist available on YouTube (audio) or YouTube (video)
or at Spotify 


The Value of an Apology
Letter to The Taranaki Daily News 11th December 2018  paper-clipping    Stuff website 
The law needs to be changed so that it does not apply to stolen property.


A Citizen in Westown (2018)
— some thoughts for "conversations that matter" at the Barclay Hall
Barclay Hall Labour Party Rooms, 4th October 2018
Active citizenship is not a paid job. And it’s not volunteering. It is about all the things we can do to create the communities we want to live in, and to take care of the things that we value. And sometimes this involves the acts of creativity that are about disrupting and transforming the existing systems that are no longer fit for purpose.

1809_Masterclass_Invitation_Icon.png    How Communities Awaken - Tū Tangata Whenua Masterclass 2018 at Tū Tama Wahine

Invitation to 2018 Masterclass for Active Citizenship - Tū Tangata Whenua
at Tū Tama Wahine o Taranaki 


Parihaka Earth Festivals 1978-1984
paper and photo album to commemorate the 40th anniversary of start of the Parihaka Earth Festivals (September 2018)
PDF version    Facebook post and album comments
In September 1978, a series of small gatherings began at Parihaka marae which introduced a whole new generation of Pākehā people to a Māori world on their doorstep. It also awakened many of the participants to a history and inheritance of war and the opposition to the land confiscations that took place in Taranaki in the 19th century.


Parihaka 1977
paper and photo album (Winter 2018)
PDF version     Facebook post and album comments
So amidst the cooking, and cleaning and hosting of a steady stream of visitors to the refurbished Te Niho, I stepped outside to photograph the Parihaka of 1977. I was looking for images that might capture a seemingly ghosted village on the cusp of its own renewal.


Facebook Post: Surveying
29 July 2018
Surveying is an act of framing, and of extraction, and of commodification. It reduces the living, the messy and the grab ... into a tidy representation that is ripe for transaction and for sale.


Facebook Post: Takaparawhau 40
25 May 2018
dawn in the 40th anniversary of Takaparawhau Bastion Point


Top 10 reasons why the Waitara Lands should be returned (2018)
by Carl Chenery and vivian Hutchinson, The Spinoff Website 21st April 2018    PDF version
1). The lands were stolen. They should be handed back as simply as possible ...
5). The current Bill is an improvement, but it is still absurd ...
10).Our young people want to commemorate not just our difficult history, but how it has led to a more just and equitable nation.



2017 Pages from a Year Book
Facebook post (photo album)

2017 A Sound Track from vivian Hutchinson
Facebook post and full track listing
I too pray for Peace on Earth and, while George Harrison is no longer with us, I am thankful that Robert Plant is still carrying the fire. Even Neil Finn is in the mastery of his own Chameleon Days. There's nothing pink about the pigs in Roger Walters angry sermon in Mexico City ... and the orange president hadn’t even been elected yet. We cannot forget that this is the world we have left our own grandchildren. Thank God their mothers and sisters and grandmothers cannot keep quiet. I am grateful that those children are also the inheritors of a songbook that reminds us what all this is for. While Bob Dylan is honoured with a Nobel in Literature, a new generation is already mining his music for this age. We tip our hats to the Carter and to the Staples families and the gifts they have passed forward. Tiki Taane and the Maori Quartet are also creating treasures for this place which will very quickly become their own taonga tuku iho. Nothing is amiss, and we'll need all of this. It's 1929 again folks. The day is on its way ... it couldn't wait no more. Here it comes.

playlist available on YouTube (audio)  or YouTube (video)
or at Spotify 


Facebook Post: Interregnum
1st October 2017
Values are not a retail transaction. They are not a brand. They are not a deal. They are the fruits of how we have grown up as people, and how our cultures have fostered that growing up.


Waitara: A Second Reading (2017)
— some thoughts on the Second Reading of the Waitara Lands Bill.
We might like to reflect on the proclamations by the local Mayor and MP that the latest Select Committee report amounts to an “Historic Day for New Zealand”. We may even begin to recognise that the Waitara hapu might have their own idea of what “historic” would look like to them. And we could even realise that it would be worth everyone’s while if Manukorihi and Otaraua were able to fully make that case.


Overdue committee report on Waitara Land Bill postponed for the fourth time
interview by Tara Shaskey in The Taranaki Daily News, 28th July 2017  Stuff Website    Facebook Post
It looks as though the new version of the Waitara Lands Bill will be a substantial re-write. Whether it preserves the original intentions of selling this stolen land, and then directing what the money will be spent on ... still remains to be seen.


Anonymous billboard protest sign of land bill dissent
by Tara Shaskey, Taranaki Daily News 15th July 2017   paper-clipping    Stuff website    Facebook post
Otaraua hapu spokesman Rawiri Doorbar: "It's clear to me that the person or persons who put this up are saying it's about time someone did the right thing and returned the land."

1708_Incubator_Invitation_Icon.png    ActionIncubatorIcon.png    Ringa Pūrere - Community Action Incubator 2017 at Tū Tama Wahine o Taranaki

Invitation to 1708 Community Action Incubator - Ringa Pūrere
at Tū Tama Wahine o Taranaki

vivian Hutchinson - Community Action Incubator
an outline of our curriculum


Don't Just Do Something, Stand There (2017)
— some thoughts on Retreat and Community Action
The Retreat is a different type of meeting. It is an invitation, really. It’s an invitation to think together in different ways ... It is not a holiday from the real work. The Retreat is really a time for a different type of presence. It is time for turning up to a different type of conversation.

Facebook notes / comments and 2017 Retreat photos


Is Taranaki Coming to Terms with its Colonial Past?
RNZ Insight documentary by Robin Martin (28 mins) 7 April 2017
Taranaki Māori have paid dearly for their defiance of colonial rule, and the dodgy land deals that came with it, and many feel they are still suffering today.

Taranaki tensions rooted in Pakeha collective amnesia
RNZ Morning Report by Robin Martin (3 mins) 7 April 2017
The simmering tensions in Taranaki over race relations could be eased, some locals say, if Pakeha were more involved in the Treaty settlement process.

1809_Masterclass_Invitation_Icon.png    How Communities Awaken - Tū Tangata Whenua Masterclass 2017 at Tū Tama Wahine

Invitation to 2017 Masterclass for Active Citizenship - Tū Tangata Whenua
at Tū Tama Wahine o Taranaki


How to Explain Waitara to your Pakeha Friends and Relations (2017)
article for Waitangi Day 2017    Facebook post
It is not a complex issue. Any child knows the common-sense fair go that says if you steal something, then you should give it back. The dispute over the Waitara Lands is only complex when you are able to come up with 1001 ways of avoiding this common simplicity.


2017 Waitangi Day and Waitara
As part of its 2017 Waitangi Day celebrations, the New Plymouth District Council is tomorrow screening the film "Te Matakite o Aotearoa - the Maori Land March" at the Len Lye Centre, (2.30pm-3.30pm).

Peace for Pekapeka website
Peace for Pekapeka is an initiative organised by the Taranaki Maori Women's Network and supported by Te Roopu Kaumatua o Whai Tara, the Peaceful Province Initiative, and Community Taranaki



2016 Pages from a Year Book
Facebook post (photo album)

2016 A Sound Track from vivian Hutchinson
Facebook post and full track listing
This year the soundtrack is a darker matter. It is also much more sentimental, which may well be another shade of darkness. Even the sounds of silence have come to me disturbed. I feel like I have finally been colonised by reality TV, and my mind is full of such twisted words. But beyond a melancholy mood, and even though I know it is foolish, I have stepped into the River. And this water helps me to remember that it is good to be alive today ... and to realise I can't stop thinking about you.

playlist available on YouTube (audio)  or YouTube (video)
or at Spotify 

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Community Taranaki Submission
to Maori Affairs Select Committee regarding the New Plymouth District Council(Waitara Lands) Bill 2016
27 October 2016     Parliamentary Records

The Waitara Lands Bill before you is nowhere near an instrument of doing the right thing. It is simply the perverse result of having the same conversation again, again and again. This is the conversation that speaks of the money that is still to be made at this final leg of a very old landgrab. It speaks of deal-making and how to weigh up the various players and competing interests, and how to extract compromise from the weakest participants. And it speaks of how to continue to avoid facing our real history, and the grief and trauma that still exists as a result of that history. Our advice to this Select Committee is to stop and to step back. We need a new conversation about the Waitara Lands.



Oral Submission by vivian Hutchinson
at the Waitangi Room, Novotel Hotel, New Plymouth, Taranaki
Friday 18th November 2016      Parliamentary Records

For many Pakeha who live here in Taranaki, our desire for peace and reconciliation is not driven by being “politically correct”, or just being ashamed of our past and the actions of our grand-parents. It is not even driven by an ideological desire to be better “allies” to Maori, or better Treaty Partners. It is driven more simply by the realization that ... after all this time, and despite the troubled history ... a great many Maori and Pakeha have become friends. We live as neighbours. And in some cases, we are now relations. And yet in this context, we also know that the art of our friendship, the craft of our community-building, and the tone of our intimacy ... is constantly under the shadow of these old injustices and the ongoing privileges and the disadvantages that have resonated in our shared lives right through to the present day. After six generations, there are many Taranaki people who understand that none of us can build authentic communities here on the back of the unresolved grief that is still surrounding the stolen Waitara lands.


1604_Masterclass_Invitation_Icon.png    How Communities Awaken - Tū Tangata Whenua Masterclass 1609 at Tū Tama Wahine

Invitation to 1609 Masterclass for Active Citizenship - Tū Tangata Whenua
at Tū Tama Wahine o Taranaki 


Peace for Pekapeka Hikoi - 21st September 2016
a walk and protest about the Waitara Lands Bill


Waitara Peace for Pekapeka Hikoi photos


The Waitara Land Grab of 2016 (2016)
— some thoughts on Peace for Pekapeka
(written just before the Peace for Pekapeka Hikoi on 21st September 2016)
Since then, the question of the Waitara Lands has had rulings from Governor George Grey, from the 1927 Sim Commission, from the more recent Waitangi Tribunal, and the Crown ... and they all have acknowledged that this land was taken illegally from its rightful owners. But the land itself has never been returned. And yet here we are in 2016 ... and perhaps we are still being given the opportunity to do the right thing.


Waitara — a new take on an old crime
e-tangata Māori and Pacific Sunday Magazine 23rd July 2016
The old story of Waitara has been one of winners and losers. That story no longer serves the deeper needs of Taranaki in the 21st century. But the current crop of council and government lawyers and policy advisors don’t seem capable of laying out a pathway that will lead to authentic peace and reconciliation.


Watching the Seabirds at Waitara (2016)
— we need a new conversation about a very old land grab  PDF for  print
Hikoi are designed not to shout at you, but to invite people to talk with one another ... and to talk in ways that break new grounds of possibility.


2016 Taranaki Peace Walk — New Plymouth to Parihaka Pa — 15-17 June 2016
website at Tū Tama Wahine o Taranaki
Hundreds of Walkers of all ages and cultures joined the Taranaki Peace Walk over the three days, with the theme of “walking into a new conversation” about race relations, civic inclusion, and peace and safety in Taranaki and New Zealand.


Something Worth Walking For
Op-Ed, Taranaki Daily News, Wednesday 15th June 2016
Racism is solved through a certain type of courage that can be found in healthy neighbourhoods and safer communities. This is the courage to become real friends.


Walking Into a New Conversation
opening remarks at the Taranaki Winter Community Circle, 8th June 2016, at the NPDC Council Chambers
I want to live in a community that is willing and capable of talking about these issues. I believe that Taranaki is such a community, and we are ready for this ... even though we have had plenty of evidence to the contrary in recent months.

Taranaki Winter Community Circle 8th June 2016
Access Radio recording of the opening remarks at the Taranaki Winter Community Circle, 8th June 2016, at the NPDC Council Chambers - vivian Hutchinson, Glen Bennett, Anand Rose and Colleen Tuuta

1606_Incubator_Invitation_A5_for_Web.png        Ringa_Pūrere_Action_Canvas.png    Ringa Pūrere - Community Action Incubator 2016 at Tū Tama Wahine o Taranaki

Invitation to 1606 Ringa Pūrere - Community Action Incubator
at Tū Tama Wahine o Taranaki

vivian Hutchinson - the Action Canvas
questions for the Community Action Incubator

1604_Masterclass_Invitation_Icon.png    How Communities Awaken - Tū Tangata Whenua Masterclass 1604 at Tū Tama Wahine

Invitation to 1604 Masterclass for Active Citizenship - Tū Tangata Whenua
at Tū Tama Wahine o Taranaki


Farewell to Waimea Street - Friday 15th April 2016
The Garage and Office at 20 Waimea Street, Westown, New Plymouth has served for over 18 years as a home for the community activism and social entrepreneurship of vivian Hutchinson and a very diverse network of friendships.


Hikoi: The Māori Land March (2016) 
TVNZ on-demand website      Documentary (45mins)   details and TV Guide (PDF)
This documentary marks the 40th anniversary of the 1975 Land March which, under the leadership of Dame Whina Cooper, travelled the length of the North Island to protest the loss of Maori Land. Made with the support of NZ On Air.

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manu korero ... questions on the well-being of our political imagination in 2016
I have been asking my friends a few questions as I have been travelling around the summer. If you were Prime Minister, what would be the three major policies that you hope would have a positive effect on the lives of NZ'ers for several generations?
Manu Korero on Facebook       Carl Chenery on Facebook



2015 A Sound Track from vivian Hutchinson
Facebook post
This year's playlist includes Pentatonix, Mark Ronson with Fred Astaire, Leonard Cohen, The Cave Singers, Eliot Sumner, Paul Simon, Michael Cavanaugh, 4 Non Blondes, George Ezra, Ed Sheeran, David Rawlings Machine, Tracy Chapman, The Milk Carton Kids, Hozier, Bob Dylan, Neil Finn with Jim Carter, The Modern Maori Quartet, Te Kohikohinga Kohatu, Coldplay with The Game of Thrones, Gladys Knight with BB King, Tina Turner, The Antlers, Salar Aghill, and plenty of Sir Van Morrison on his 70th.

playlist available on YouTube (audio) or YouTube (video)
or at Spotify


Haiku Deck on the Community Circle
presentation of slides on the Community Taranaki Circles 19 November 2015
We think that all our work for the common good would look very different if all the active citizens of our province were better connected with one another.


Not One More Acre — The Māori Land March 40 Years On
National Library exhibition curated by Paul Diamond
@ the Turnbull Gallery, National Library, Wellington 14th September 2015 — 4th December 2015
National Library webpage Turnbull        exhibition and National Library public events (PDF)
"The 1975 Māori Land March, which travelled the length of the North Island, triggered a seismic shift in political consciousness about land, culture and identity – challenging Māori as well as Pākehā. Four decades on, the historian Tiopira McDowell argues the march has become one of the most powerful and symbolic moments of modern New Zealand history, contributing to the moulding and reshaping of Māori and Pākehā culture, identity and race relations in the later decades of the 20th century."

2015 Matakite Wha Tekau Tau
TV news and video documentary links during the 2015 Matakite 40th Anniversary

Christian and Marcia Heinegg in Conversation
National Library of New Zealand, Wellington 8 December 2015
Facebook album     Maori Television


30 days to Wellington: Remembering the Māori Land March
Panel Discussion at the National Library to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the Matakite Maori Land March arriving in Wellington.
National Library of New Zealand, 28 October 2015   Facebook post

Dame Whina Cooper remembered ahead of 40th anniversary of historic hīkoi
by Irena Smith Te Karere TVNZ 11 September 2015

Exhibition a window into the iconic NZ land march
by Roihana Nuri Te Karere TVNZ 12 October 2015

Not One More Acre
by Pere Wihongi Te Karere TVNZ 28 October 2015

Te Ahi Kaa on the 1975 Maori Land March
Te Ahi Kaa 18 October 2015 RNZ National


vivian Hutchinson interview with Kim Hill 
10th October 2015 RNZ National

Opening of "Not One More Acre Exhibition"
Turnbull Gallery @ The National Library, Wellington   Facebook Post


Matakite 40 at Te Unga Waka Marae
event notes (PDF)       TV1 News coverage

40 years on: Dame Whina Cooper's land march remembered
by Paul Hobbs, TVNZ News 13 September 2015

Commemorations for Māori Land March
by Harata Brown, Māori Television 13 September 2015

Native Affairs – Hīkoi Anniversary
by Iulia Leilua, Native Affairs Māori Television, Monday 14th September 2015
The impact of the march has been far reaching but as Iulia Leilua reports veterans say there is still plenty of unfinished business.

Matakite Wha Tekau Tau
Community Korero with vivian Hutchinson, Tu Tama Wahine o Taranaki, 13th August 2015
The 1975 Maori Land March is recognised as one of the catalysing events of the modern Maori renaissance. On this 40th anniversary, vivian Hutchinson revisits the journey taken by those marchers, and discusses some of the Taranaki links to this historic initiative – particularly in the life and work of Taranaki Kuia Matarena Rau-Kupa.


Historic land march inspires New Plymouth man's vision for future
by Deena Coster, Taranaki Daily News 14 August 2015
"It woke people up to the issue, one they thought was dead and gone."

1507_Incubator_Invitation_Icon.png    Community Action Incubator 2015 in the Waimea Garage

Invitation to 1507 Community Action Incubator (July-Nov 2015)
in the Waimea Garage


1506 Community Taranaki Conversation Retreat 2015

How Communities Awaken — Tu Tangata Whenua — the eighth Masterclass for Active Citizenship 
Facebook Post and album 20 March 2015
The Masterclass is a NOT-meeting. It is a chance for local citizens to practice the craft of listening, dialogue and connection that is essential for our communities to thrive.

1604_Masterclass_Invitation_Icon.png    How Communities Awaken - Tū Tangata Whenua Masterclass 1509 at Tū Tama Wahine

Invitation to 1507 Masterclass for Active Citizenship - Tū Tangata Whenua
at Tū Tama Wahine o Taranaki


Y60 — A birth-year party
A celebration of the communities and connections around a group of friends who turned 60 this year.
hosted by Raewyn Gainsford, Lynne Holdem, vivian Hutchinson, Greg Pirie, Te Umuariki Tientjes and Robin Allison
12th March 2015 at the Tasman Bowling Club       Invitation


Sixty Seasons video (20 mins)
In preparing for our birth-year party, we look back on our Sixty Seasons of life and love and music and food and fun and friendship here in Aotearoa New Zealand.
This video is password-protected ... please contact one of the Y60 celebration hosts.

1604_Masterclass_Invitation_Icon.png    How Communities Awaken - Tū Tangata Whenua Masterclass 1503 at Tū Tama Wahine

Invitation to 1503 Masterclass for Active Citizenship - Tū Tangata Whenua
at Tū Tama Wahine o Taranaki


2014 A Sound Track from vivian Hutchinson
Facebook post
The musicians who have been keeping me company and curious over the last 12 months ... The Wellington International Ukulele Orchestra, Creedence Clearwater Revival, Trombone Shorty, The Pfister Sisters, Brian Kennedy, Dougie McLean, Leonard Cohen, Brian Eno with Karl Hyde, Neil Finn and Paul Kelly, Neil Diamond, Sleeping at Last, Robert Plant with Alison Krauss, Oscar Isaac with Marcus Mumford, Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds, The Band, Warren Zevon, Dave Dobbyn with the Orpheus Choir of Wellington, Bear McCreary and Raya Yarbrough, Old Crow Medicine Show, The New Basement Tapes, Annie Lennox, Richard Thompson, The Milk Carton Kids, Ray LaMontagne, Purple Haze, James Hill, Basix, Sting, Paul Simon and The Avett Brothers.

playlist available on YouTube (audio) or YouTube (video)
or at Spotify


Feathers for Whanau Ora
— some thoughts on family violence and community well-being (2014)
I would argue that when it comes to “community”, we have also slowly been losing our abilities to fly. Today, we live largely in a market and consumer culture which is a predator to our citizenship, and it delivers its own forgetting.

1604_Masterclass_Invitation_Icon.png    How Communities Awaken - Tū Tangata Whenua Masterclass 1409 at Tū Tama Wahine

Invitation to 1407 Masterclass for Active Citizenship - Tū Tangata Whenua
at Tū Tama Wahine o Taranaki


Events honouring the life and service of Taranaki kuia Matarena Rau-Kupa (Aunty Marj)
20th October 2014     Facebook post

Action1405.png    Community Action Incubator 2014 in the Waimea Garage

Invitation to 1405 Community Action Incubator
in the Waimea Garage


In June 2014, vivian Hutchinson was interviewed over two days on video by historian Claire Hall on behalf of the Manatū Taonga - Ministry of Culture and Heritage. The interviews were conducted in the Whanau room at at Tū Tama Wahine o Taranaki and were to both create a record of vivian's involvement with the Māori Land March activities of 1975, and to record other resources that could be used in the Treaty Settlements Histories projects by the Ministry. These interviews also recorded comments on many other matters, including views on Community Development and the establishment of Community Taranaki.
The interviews are available for researchers only, by permission.

Taking Issue: Citizenship gives you the right to be counted
by Sue Coutts, Wanaka Features - Central Otago Mirror 15th May 2014
There is something more powerful than an idea whose time has come. It's a question. A question whose time is yet to be.


2014 Changemakers in the Garage
a Winter series of Ideas Worth Sharing
programme Facebook post
May 12th - Robert Reich "Inequality for All"
May 19th - Janine Benyus "Biomimicry"
May 26th - David Simon "Capitalism and Social Justice"
June 9th - Bill McKibben and Paul Hawken "the latest on the Climate Crisis"
June 16th - John Pilger "Utopia"
June 21st - Winter Solstice
June 30th - Resa Aslan "A fresh look at the life of Jesus"
July 7th - Germaine Greer "Dangerous Ideas"
July 14th - Charles Eisenstein and Polly Higgins "the gift economy and the commons"

1604_Masterclass_Invitation_Icon.png    How Communities Awaken - Tū Tangata Whenua Masterclass 1403 at Tū Tama Wahine

Invitation to 1403 Masterclass for Active Citizenship - Tū Tangata Whenua
at Tū Tama Wahine o Taranaki

HWK1403.png    He Waipuna Koropupu TTW 2014 Staff Creativity Incubator at Tū Tama Wahine o Taranaki

Invitation to 1403 He Waipuna Koropupu TTW Staff Creativity Incubator
at Tū Tama Wahine o Taranaki



2013 A Sound Track from vivian Hutchinson
Facebook post
On this year’s soundtrack many of the musicians are revisiting the back catalogues of another generation, or they are collaborating with artists they admire. Bruce Springsteen is reinventing a song from the 1970s electro punk duo Suicide, Myley Cyrus and Neil Finn are doing Dylan songs (for Amnesty), and so too is Pete Seeger who is joined by the kids from his local community, Members of Radiohead, Red Hot Chili Peppers and REM are in an electronic supergroup called Atoms for Peace, the Pet Shop Boys cover Springsteen, Gregory Porter duets with Van, Ben Harper teams up with Charlie Musselwhite, Dave and Gillian bend and extend Neil Young, Bruce (again) has high hopes with Tom Morello (Rage Against the Machine), Commander Chris Hadfield is Major Tom, Ellie Goulding tips her hat to the very royal Elton John, Four Norwegian pop stars praise Leonard Cohen, Noah Gunderson tears up with the Rolling Stones, Heart offers a salute to the gods of Led Zeppelin, and it ain't nobody's business what Wynton Marsalis is doing with Willie Nelson.

playlist available on YouTube (audio) or YouTube (video)
or at Spotify

RaweneHCHsm.jpg    RaweneDRGsm.jpg    RaweneHCABsm.jpg

How Communities Heal workshops — Hokianga November 2013
Rawene Public Meeting flyer        Facebook album 
Doing Real Good workshop for Rawene & Districts Community Development Association
How Communities Awaken briefing for Rawene & Districts Community Development Association


"What's Broken is the We" workshop
Survive and Thrive 2013 - Arts Regional Trust
Auckland University of Technology Sir Paul Reeves Building 14 September 2013
The future is here already - are we all ready?


We Are Not Broke
— internet and Facebook posters (2013)


What's Broken is the We
— some thoughts on creativity for the common good (2013)
Getting smarter about the process of creativity is fundamentally important to building the resilience of and regenerating our communities. In world that is telling us that “it’s just business” and we are on our own, that it’s every man or woman for themselves ... we need to unleash and sustain the creativity of “We”.


Access Radio interview with Kama Burwell from Hive Taranaki 23rd July 2013
on fostering active citizenship and the work and projects of Community Taranaki.

HCA1308.png    How Communities Awaken - Tū Tangata Whenua Masterclass 1308 at Tū Tama Wahine

Invitation to 1308 Masterclass for Active Citizenship - Tū Tangata Whenua
at Tū Tama Wahine o Taranaki

Action1308.png    Community Action Incubator 2013 in the Waimea Garage

Invitation to 1308 Community Action Incubator
in the Waimea Garage

HCA1306.png    How Communities Awaken Masterclass 1306 at Pukekura Park

Invitation to 1306 Masterclass for Active Citizenship - Tū Tangata Whenua
at Pukekura Park


ACCESS RADIO Interview with Robina McCurdy and vivian Hutchinson
Access Radio interview with Theresa Goodin from Hive Taranaki 1st April 2013
Coverage of the Taranaki Permaculture Hui (2of2) - interviews with Robina McCurdy and vivian Hutchinson

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2013 Workshop flyers
Action Incubator - Community Taranaki
Doing Real Good - vivian Hutchinson
How Communities Awaken - vivian Hutchinson
How Communities Heal - vivian Hutchinson

HCA1304.png    How Communities Awaken Masterclass 1304 at Tū Tama Wahine

Invitation to 1304 Masterclass for Active Citizenship - Tū Tangata Whenua
at Tū Tama Wahine o Taranaki

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Parihaka — a photographic survey 1981
(2013 Digital Restoration)
webpage at Tū Tama Wahine o Taranaki
30-min slide-show documentary on the history of Parihaka, compiled by vivian Hutchinson and Taranaki Kuia Matarena Marjorie Rau-Kupa in 1981 for the Taranaki Museum for the centennial commemorations of the sacking of Parihaka on 5th November 1881. Includes photographs from the Taranaki Museum and the Alexander Turnbull Library. This is the 2013 Digital Restoration of this resource by Tu Tama Wahine o Taranaki to commemorate the 100th birthday of Kuia Matarena (1913-2010).


Community Taranaki Overview 2013

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Community Korero
Tū Tama Wahine o Taranaki, Thursday 7th February 2013
invitation      photo album
What sort of community sector are we handing on to the next generation?


2012 A Sound Track from vivian Hutchinson
Facebook post
It is time to reflect on "enough", and not just what that means for us personally, but for us as a society. It's tough medicine for a consumer culture, especially with what we've done to Christmas. But Paul Simon is ready: he knows how to bend the song to the sermon and the sermon to the song. As austerity bites and hearts harden, Bruce Springsteen is already writing of the betrayals and complexities of the Obama Age. Bob Dylan sings of a Tempest. But Ani has added a new beat to an old song and simply asks: Which Side Are You On?

playlist available on YouTube (audio) or YouTube (video)
or at Spotify


Stephanie McIntyre: Addressing homelessness
Your World: Newspaper Series by Virginia Winder
Taranaki Daily News feature 4th December 2012
A Housing First policy means placing a person in housing as a first step of support, before addressing their other social and service needs. This is in contrast to other social service approaches that offer housing as a "prize" or reward for the demonstration of compliance to a system of care, like maintaining sobriety.

Community Action Incubator 2012 in the Waimea Garage

Invitation to 1211 Community Action Incubator
in the Waimea Garage


Information for the Common Good
— some thoughts on creating community media platforms (2012)
While we are drowning in data, we are still very much thirsty for the information that matters.


Gael Surgenor: Change for the Better 
Your World: Newspaper Series by Virginia Winder 
Taranaki Daily News feature 30 October 2012
"Social marketing is about using marketing and communication tools to achieve a social good rather than for selling consumer goods. It is not just a form of social advertising, but is centrally about how to communicate messages to audiences that would lead to an attitude and behaviour change ..."


Kim Workman: Reconsidering punishment
Your World: Newspaper Series by Virginia Winder
Taranaki Daily News feature 2nd October 2012
"As more communities get actively involved in the prisons, they become as much like the real world as possible. And when prisoners feel accepted and involved as part of a community, it is a powerful incentive to change ..."


Emeline Afeaki-Mafile'o: Mentor draws on Tongan roots
Your World: Newspaper Series by Virginia Winder 
Taranaki Daily News feature 11 September 2012
Pasifika people have the lowest qualification levels of any ethnic group in the country. mentoring is a way to help address this gap in achievement, and it helps create a bridge from the opportunities and resources of schools to the lives of local families and their communities. 

How Communities Awaken Masterclass 2012 at the PukeAriki Museum

Invitation to 1207 Masterclass for Active Citizenship - Tū Tangata Whenua
at Puke Ariki Museum

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SOCANZ 2012 - Doing Real Good Conference
CQ Conference Centre, Wellington 15 + 16 August 2012
Conference Programme     photo album
Inspired by the Social Capital Markets Conference in San Francisco, this conference was designed to bring together New Zealanders interested in working with others, from outside our usual communities, to think together about how we will create the community that we want to live in.


Wimmera VolunteerFest
— some thoughts on volunteering and active citizenship (2012)
When we awaken and fully realise our sense of citizenship, we get to remember our own responsibilities, as well as our own particular gifts and creativity. We remember that active citizens are the real creators of the communities we wish to live in. We recognise that active citizens are the stewards of the things that need to be cared for. And we understand that active citizens are also the producers of the possibilities that our children will inherit.

Volunteers a vital link - Fest a resounding success
by Carly Werner, The Mail-Times (Wimmera) 30 July 2012   PDF edition
Active citizens are the real creators of the sense of what a community is.


It's Going to Take Community
— some thoughts on the regeneration of an essential sector (Wellington 2012)
There is a lot more funding available for managing problems, than there is for healing them. But social entrepreneurs are not called to their work simply to commodify problems ... and then earn a living out of them. They want to permanently alter the perceptions, behaviours and structures that are creating the problems in the first place. They want real impact and real change ... and there is no doubting that this will be disruptive to the status quo.


John Stansfield: Bad riddance to good rubbish
Your World: Newspaper Series by Virginia Winder
Taranaki Daily News feature 22nd May 2012
"People tend to see rubbish and re-cycling as an engineering problem, but it's not. It's a human behaviour problem, and it requires a community development approach to address it ..."


Vivien Maidaborn: Innovation to improve future
Your World: Newspaper Series by Virginia Winder
Taranaki Daily News feature 24 April 2012
"There's a huge boundary between social movements and the marketplace. And that leaves out all the construction industry, the finance industry, and the whole design industry of architechs and engineers. Nobody has been connecting them ... so that has left the territory totally wide open for innovation and initiative ..."


Brian Donnelly: Making housing affordable
Your World: Newspaper Series by Virginia Winder
Taranaki Daily News feature 27 March 2012
"There are many stakeholders within the housing sector who are expounding various theories and principles but, in reality, little is happening to change the way that things have always been done. The Housing Foundation is bringing community groups, government and the private sector to achieve innovative and affordable housing solutions that none of these groups could achieve on their own ..."


Occupy Our Citizenship
— some thoughts on the regeneration of the community sector (2012)
One of the problems we have is that the community sector has become so colonised by its funders — and by business and government thinking — that we have forgotten our own insights. We have forgotten the wisdom and perspectives that we have built up in this sector over generations.


Changemakers Interview
video of vivian Hutchinson at Back Beach, New Plymouth 2011 — Splashroom Media - Regeneration Network
interview by Lani Evans, video by Iain Frengley
I like to go around interfering with problems and try to make things better.


vivian Hutchinson: Driven to make change
Your World: Newspaper Series by Virginia Winder
Taranaki Daily News feature 28 February 2012
"One of the greatest benefits of the fellowship was, even though some of these people were leaders in their fields in the country, they did not easily have peers to talk to who understood the risks and challenges of this variety of leadership. Just getting them in the same room became an incubator for what they were working on next ..."


How Communities Heal — Stories of Social Innovation and Social Change (2012)
by vivian Hutchinson and the New Zealand Social Entrepreneur Fellowship

book project homepageall chapters are freely available online
— iPAD version available here
— buy the hard-covered book edition
— buy the Kindle edition



2011 A Sound Track from vivian Hutchinson
Facebook post
Our citizenship is stuck in a moment. You can tell this when you look at the numbers of people who actually turn out to vote. This year, a million New Zealanders did not bother. Meanwhile TIME magazine names "The Protestor" as the Person of the Year. The people are marching, and gathering and camping in the Arab world and in Europe and on Wall Street. Our voices will be heard at the heart of Beast. The reporter is mystified and asks: ”What are they really protesting about?” I think Dave Rawlings has heard.

playlist available on YouTube (audio) or YouTube (video)
or at Spotify

How Communities Awaken Masterclass 2011 at the New Plymouth District Council

Invitation to 1108 Masterclass for Active Citizenship
at the New Plymouth District Council


book chapter profile on vivian Hutchinson in
K.K.Tse on "Social Entrepreneurship" (published in Hong Kong 2009)
公益創業: 青年創業與中年轉業的新選擇, chapter 6

for more on Dr K.K.Tse and his work in Hong Kong see Wikipedia

Adopting a Mentor - My Experience with Vivian Hutchinson
by Dr KK Tse
Hong Kong Social Entrepreneurship Forum, 15 November 2011

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It's Going To Take Community
— some thoughts on economics as if people and the earth mattered ( Waitakere 2011)    Video on YouTube
“Community” itself is a living system. And, like every other living system, it is also under threat right now. Yet, like every other living system, there is also hope here — because “living systems” are self-organising, and they can learn, adapt and change.


1975 Maori Land March - a Web Documentary
Te Roopu o Te Matakite
photographs by Christian Heinegg
newspaper articles from City News & brochures by vivian Hutchinson
poems by Hone Tuwhare
newspaper articles from New Zealand Herald by Stephanie Gray
various other newspaper clippings and photographs
video clips from documentaries about Whina Cooper and the Land March



2010 A Sound Track from vivian Hutchinson
Facebook post
So many of the tunes here are already instant classics. But even the very old ones have gained a new life. I cannot hear a Burns song without remembering Edi Reader's voice soaring over the trees at Brooklands. This year I was driving to a wananga at Tauhara while listening to the Old Crows, and wondering: Where is Noah's waterfall? And then the clouds burst.

playlist available on YouTube (audio) or YouTube (video)
or at Spotify


Ideas for 12 September 2010 - Social Entrepreneurs
Radio New Zealand Ideas interview with Chris Laidlaw
Sunday 12 September 2010 (duration: 50′44″)
Interviews of the New Zealand Social Entrepreneur Fellowship and Masterclass participants at one of the NZSEF retreats in Auckland. Ideas talks to NZSEF chief executive vivian Hutchinson; Emeline Afeaki-Mafile'o of social agency Affirming Works; Darren Fraser of fair trade clothing company Micah Clothing; Alexandra Lee of Architecture for Humanity, and Ngahau Davis of Northland's He Iwi Kotahi Tatou Trust.


Community Taranaki Manifesto 2010


As If People and the Earth Mattered
— some thoughts on community economic development (Waitakere 2010)
For myself, I’m trying to stop calling this economic downturn the Recession. I want to call this what it is — it’s the Consequences. What’s happening around us now are the long-term consequences of not treating "community" as a key stakeholder in how we operate our economy. Community Economic Development is about the fostering of those parts of our economy where the common good of people, and the sustainable health of our earth, are honoured and treated as important stakeholders. Basically, it is about the practice of economic development ... as if people and the earth mattered.