Some Papers on the Waitara Land Grab of 2018

These articles by vivian Hutchinson, and the Community Taranaki submissions, were part of the Peace for Pekapeka activities from 2016—2018 that sought to challenge the progress of the Waitara Lands Bill (2018).

“ A land grab in the 21st century is not a matter of soldiers and guns with Majors and Generals, and Colonial Native Ministers riding on white horses. It is not so obviously a matter of surveyors, or pegs and property maps. Instead, a modern land grab is more a matter of lawyers, politicians, policy advisers and public submissions. The instruments of extraction here are legislation, reports from Parliamentary Select Committees, press releases, public relations and social media.”  — from Waitara: A Second Reading (2017)

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WaitaraSecondReadingmenu.jpg    Submissions.png   
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Most of this work has included creative collaborations with Ngaropi Raumati and Awhina Cameron of Tū Tama Wahine o Taranaki, and the Taranaki Māori Women’s Network. Thanks also to Colleen Tuuta and Te Roopu Kaumatua o Whai Tara, Patsy Bodger of the Manukorihi hapū, and Rawiri Doorbar of the Otaraua hapū at Waitara, David Williams Emeritus Law Professor from Auckland University, and Carl Chenery of the Tamaki Treaty Workers network.

Special thanks to Cliff Whiting (1936-2017) who gave permission to use his 1978 series of Taranaki Land Wars illustrations during the Peace for Pekapeka campaign.

Many individuals and groups have made their own submissions during the campaign or have published articles, many of which have had a direct influence on the papers in this collection. These resources may be found at an online diary of the Peace for Pekapeka campaign at