Peace for Pekapeka Hikoi — Wednesday 21st September 2016

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A Peace Hikoi led by Taranaki Maori women took place in Waitara on Wednesday 21st September 2016 to signal to the New Plymouth District Council and the Crown that they do not support the Waitara Lands Bill 2016.

The "Peace for Pekapeka" Hikoi was part of a continuing call for the Waitara leasehold lands and the Pekapeka Block to be returned to its rightful owners, the hapu of Waitara.

The Hikoi left from Te Kohia Pa, where the first Taranaki Land War broke out in March 1860. The walk then moved through the Pekapeka Block, and along the main street of Waitara township to Owae Marae.

After being received at the marae, the Hikoi was followed by a Community Conversation led by Dr Leonie Pihama and Dr Cherryl Smith who spoke on the effects of historical trauma on Waitara.

Although this was an initiative led by Taranaki Maori Women, the organisers also asked their men, their friends, and other concerned citizens to come and join them in supporting this kaupapa.

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Peace for Pekapeka Hikoi —  Wednesday 21st September 2016

News from the Peace for Pekapeka Hikoi Day and Community Conversation


Taranaki people walk together to show unity against controversial land bill
(with video) by Deena Coster Taranaki Daily News 21st September 2016
Taking a walk on land confiscated from tangata whenua provided Taranaki people with a chance to show their unity against a controversial piece of legislation. The Peace for Pekapeka march left Te Kohia Pa in Brixton on Wednesday morning and as the 200-strong hikoi made its way through the Waitara township, waiata was sung by young and old.

'Just give it back': Peace hikoi against Waitara Lands Bill
(with audio) by Robin Martin, Radio New Zealand Checkpoint
Jocelyn Millard: "The people who lived on this land were literally not just walked off, they were paraded off at the end of a gun, and we're coming back to say 'no, the land still belongs to mana whenua'. There are hapū here that have lived here from the beginning and the land needs to go back to them. Just give it back."

Waitara hikoi calls for full return of stolen land
by Josh Price - NewstalkZB 21st September 2016
Jocelyn Millard: "They didn't pay for this land, but they've gained a lot of income over the years through the leaseholds, so there isn't any loss of money by giving it back."

Taranaki hapu oppose council land sell off
by Aroha Treacher, Maori Television News 21st September 2016
Otaraua Hapu Chairman David Doorbar: “This is a showing to ourselves and to our community that this isn't finished it doesn't matter what people say in Wellington it doesn't matter what minister say when they stand in front of TVs this is not finished.”

Hikoi against Waitara Lands Bill calls for return of land
by Irena Smith, Te Karere TV1 21st September 2016

from Facebook Live Video from the Hikoi
Urs Signer (30sec)
Kurt Smith-Komene, Te Korimako o Taranaki 94.8FM (30 mins)

Native Affairs - Selling off Waitara (7 mins)
by Iulia Leilua, Native Affairs (Maori Television) 20th September 2016
The New Plymouth District Council is being accused by some Waitara Māori of selling off stolen land through the Waitara Lands Bill, being read in Parliament tomorrow. The bill will allow the Council to sell off Waitara land leases. It was opposed by just one councillor, Howie Tamati.

14435072_1121890351212340_8933346725379186810_o.jpgManukorihi hapu to demonstrate opposition to Waitara Land Bill
by Leighton Keith, Taranaki Daily News 20 September 2016
Manukorihi hapu chairwoman Patsy Bodger: " We have not changed our stance in 156 years. We just want the land back. We have never wanted money, we have never wanted anything else, we've just wanted the stolen land to come back to its original owners."

Jocelyn Millard on the Peace for Pekapeka Hikoi
(audio) interviewed by Atereano Mateariki on 95bFM The Wire 20 September 2016

Pekapeka solution sparks protest - Waatea News 20th September 2016
(audio) Louisa Wall MP Labour Party interview with Dale Husband
Taranaki waahine have called a protest march in Waitara tomorrow demanding the return of the land to the iwi. Labour MP Louisa Wall says the issue has generated considerable debate at council level, and now it’s a chance for parliament to consider those submissions.

"The Waitara Land Grab of 2016 — some thoughts on Peace for Pekapeka" 
by vivian Hutchinson, 14th September 2016
So how is it, after 40 years of progress with apologies and settlements following the 1975 Maori Land March, that the Taranaki councils and our government are still planning to sell the Waitara lands over which the Taranaki Land Wars of the 1860s first broke out? And how is it that this can still take place over the very clear protests of the tangata whenua who had their land stolen?

"Hikoi planned to show solidarity against proposed Waitara land legislation"
by Deena Coster, Taranaki Daily News 12th September 2016
Taranaki Maori Women's Network: "We hope to create a space for a new conversation to address some challenging issues within our communities, encouraging profound dialogue which is focussed on healing and social justice."

Landmark Waitara Lands Bill has been introduced to Parliament
by Hannah Lee, Taranaki Daily News 14 September 2016 
As the bill makes its way through the parliamentary process, there is still unrest from stakeholders around the bill. The bill is widely seen as a compromise between Waitara leaseholders, who want the opportunity to buy their land freehold, and local hapu - many of whom believe the land should be returned to Maori.

"The New Plymouth District Council (Waitara Lands) Bill 2016 is likely to be introduced to Parliament this week."
Press Release NPDC Monday 12 Sep 2016

Peace for Pekapeka - Mako Tuuta of the Taranaki Maori Womens Network 
(audio) interviewed by Dale Husband on Waatea Radio 15 September 2016

Key Background Information

Resources on the Purpose and Theme of the Peace Hikoi and Community Conversation

Google Maps directions to Te Kohia Pa 

"Stolen Land and Healing Historic Trauma"
by Awhina Cameron, from her opening korero at the Spring Taranaki Community Circle at the NPDC Council Chambers, 7th September 2016

Timetable for Hikoi 21st September 2016 ... and Other Useful Information

Help Honour Heal - The Peace for Pekapeka initiative flyer / poster


Crown perpetuates violence against Maori over Waitara land
(audio) Dr Leonie Pihama interviewed by Dale Husband on Waatea Radio 12 Sep 2016

On Taranaki Access Radio: from the Spring Taranaki Community Circle 7th September 2016
NPDC Policy Adviser Greg Stephens speaking on the Waitara Lands Bill. 
Awhina Cameron speaking on stolen land and healing historic trauma.

"Waitara - a new take on an old crime" 24th July 2016 e-tangata
by vivian Hutchinson (an edited version of his paper by e-tangata)

Watching the Seabirds at Waitara (2016) — we need a new conversation about a very old land grab
by vivian Hutchinson (full paper) 

Maori councillor votes against Taranaki land sales
by Robin Martin, Radio New Zealand 6th July 2016  

Peace for Pekapeka - Web Resources Home Page

Parliament: The New Plymouth District Council (Waitara Lands) Bill

New Plymouth Council webpage on the Waitara Lands Bill

Te Kotahitanga o Te Atiawa webpage on the Waitara Lands Bill

NPDC Map of Waitara Endowment Lands Proposal

Te Kotahitanga o Te Atiawa webpage on the Waitara Lands Bill

LeoniePihama.jpgArticles by Dr Leonie Pihama (Te Atiawa, Ngati Mahanga, Nga Mahanga a Tairi)
"Colonial naming reproduces Historical Trauma" Te Wharepora Hou 16 February 2016
"An Open Letter to Te Kotahitanga o Te Atiawa: Hold the Pekapeka Block" Te Wharepora Hou 9 July 2016
"Crown Processes Continue To Abuse Maori" Te Wharepora Hou 9 September 2016

"Te Atiawa 'blood money' accusation"
by Robin Martin, Radio New Zealand 21 June 2016

"Land Wars Start over Pekapeka Block" (2003, Puke Ariki Museum)
by Virginia Winder, on the origins of the Taranaki Land Wars

New Zealand Land Wars - A Summary (3 mins) 2010

Te Kohia Pa - Interview with Ramon Tito from Te Atiawa 
(video) Puke Ariki 

First shot fired in NZ Land Wars remembered
by Eruera Rerekura, TVNZ Te Karere 17th March 2016

Wikipedia Article on the Taranaki Land Wars

“Leasehold land fight drags over decades” (2014) 
by Jim Tucker New Zealand Herald 11 March 2014 

The Claim (2014) on Native Affairs (Maori Television)
(video) by Renee Kahukura-Iosefa 7 July 2014

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